The Importance of Root Canals in Preserving Natural Teeth

The Importance of Root Canals in Preserving Natural Teeth

Posted by Charles Lee Nov 14,2023

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A root canal is a dental procedure to treat and preserve a severely infected or damaged tooth. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected or inflamed pulp within the tooth, cleans and disinfects the root canals, and then fills and seals them with a biocompatible material. This process not only alleviates pain and discomfort associated with the infection but also prevents the spread of bacteria, allowing the tooth to be saved and maintained in the oral cavity. At Hybrid Dental, root canals are crucial for preserving natural teeth and preventing the need for extraction, promoting long-term oral health and function. 

The Root Canal Procedure 

During a root canal procedure, the Las Vegas dentist numbs the affected tooth and surrounding area with local anesthesia to ensure the patient's comfort. The dentist then creates a small access opening to reach the infected or damaged pulp inside the tooth. The diseased pulp is carefully removed, and the tooth's interior is cleaned, disinfected, and shaped. Once the tooth is prepared, a biocompatible material fills the empty root canals, and the access opening is sealed. In most cases, a dental crown is placed over the treated tooth to restore its strength and protect it from further damage. Root canals are highly effective in relieving pain, preserving natural teeth, and preventing the spread of infection, providing patients with a comfortable and long-term solution for dental health. 

The Benefits of Root Canal Treatments 

  • Root canals in Las Vegas are performed to alleviate severe toothache caused by infected or inflamed pulp. The procedure removes the source of pain, providing relief to the patient. 
  • Instead of extracting a severely damaged or infected tooth, a root canal allows the dentist to save the natural tooth. This is important for adequately chewing and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting. 
  • Root canals help prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the mouth or the body. By removing the infected pulp and sealing the tooth, the dentist stops the bacteria from advancing further. 
  • Preserving the natural tooth through a root canal contributes to overall oral health. It maintains the integrity of the tooth structure and helps avoid the potential complications that may arise from tooth loss. 

If you're experiencing persistent toothache or sensitivity, our skilled dental team is here to provide gentle and effective root canal therapy. Visit Hybrid Dental at 7730 W Cheyenne Ave Ste 108, Las Vegas 89129, or call (702) 658-8008 for the best dental care.

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